Our projects
Microbiology of the habitat and evolution of atopic risk in children
Alcohol dependence
2016-2017 grants
Call for projects 2021
Under Article 4 of its statutes, the Brugmann Foundation aims to “perform scientific and medical research, to promote, encourage and finance it, within the University Hospital Brugmann or in the framework of the network it is part of.” Through mandates, credits, and projects it financially supports, the Brugmann Foundation aims to promote scientific knowledge, support the training of doctors, and guarantee quality services to patients.
In the framework of its objectives, the Foundation launches a call for projects in three categories:
- Credits for short stay abroad for nursing/paramedical staff/doctor/pharmacist/biologist.
- Research mandate for 1 year for a doctor or pharmacist/ biologist.
- Research grant (material or personnel).
An independent medical Committee will examine the proposals submitted. Based on the recommendations of this Committee, the Board of Directors of the Brugmann Foundation will award the credits and mandates.
The schedule is as follows:
- Publication of the call for projects on April 15th, 2021.
- Submission of projects by July 20th, 2021, midnight.
- A decision by the Board of Directors by the end of September 2021.
- Award of credits, mandates, and grants and launching of projects in October 2021.
The projects need to be submitted by email. The deadline is July 20th, 2021, at the latest. Interested candidates are requested to submit their application through specific forms. You can request the forms by sending an email.
Projects submitted after the deadline will not be considered anymore for the 2021 credits, mandates, and grants.
Candidates need to be part of the staff of the University Hospital Brugmann. Regarding research mandates and stays abroad, the candidates must commit themselves, at the time of submitting their application, to remain employed for two full years by the University Hospital Brugmann, after termination of the project or stay abroad.
If the candidate does not fulfill this condition, he will be requested to reimburse the totality of the grant awarded.
Credits are awarded based on a project that needs to demonstrate its originality. The project also needs to describe what is the current research’s state of the art, alongside a working hypothesis, the methodology, and the available means to reach the goals. The preliminary budget, which needs to be included in the project, will need to be sufficiently detailed to allow evaluating the feasibility of the project and to check whether the requested budget corresponds with the set objectives. Credits are awarded on a one-year basis, and the amount approved should be spent within 24 months after the date the grant is donated.
The grant covers all costs needed to render the project successful. Upon submission of invoices, the Brugmann Foundation will proceed to reimburse the costs incurred.