
To really make a difference, structural financial support is necessary.In particular, the Foundation is supported
by the medical staff of the University Hospital Brugmann, which has chosen to donate part of its income to research projects.

But this support is not enough..

You can make a difference. Join us as a donor. Every contribution is important and has a concrete impact,
whether in the form of donations, legacies, sponsorships or partnerships.

Support the daily research activities of the Brugmann Foundation!

  • Donations of 40 EUR a year are tax-deductible. If your annual donations to the Brugmann Foundation amount to 40€ or more, you will get a tax certificate enabling you to benefit from a tax reduction of 45% on the total amount donated.
  • Transfer your donation to account number: IBAN: BE04 3630 9206 1831 – BIC: BBRUBEBB. Donations of 40 EUR a year are tax-deductible.
  • Become a regular partner of the Brugmann Foundation by making a monthly donation by standing order, to account number
    IBAN: BE04 3630 9206 1831 – BIC: BBRUBEBB.
  • Make a considerable donation! Support a cause that is close to your heart, or as a tribute to someone dear to you. That someone’s name, or the name of your family, will be linked to the values that you transmit through this donation. For reasons of transparency, we will keep you informed of the use of your donation.

Donate safely online !


The Brugmann Foundation does not pursue commercial goals and all donations are spent entirely on the execution of research projects at the University Hospital Brugmann itself. Moreover, our administration costs are very low. This is because we are based at the Brugmann Hospital and work exclusively with unpaid and committed volunteers.

Legacies: a gesture for tomorrow

Participate in the Brugmann Foundation’s vision of the future by doing something today for tomorrow. You can bequeath property, real estate, life insurance, valuables, money, and investments by will. In some cases, if, for example, you have no direct heir, the “duo bequest” is a formula that allows you to increase the inheritance of your loved ones since they will pay less inheritance tax.

For more information or to discuss your estate in complete discretion, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.

If you wish to name the Brugmann Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or life insurance policy, you can identify the Brugmann Foundation as follows: 

Brugmann Foundation – Public Utility Foundation
Place Arthur Van Gehuchten 4
1020 Bruxelles
National Registration Number: 0839 235 387

Sponsorship of a research project

You can always choose to fund a specific research project, a discipline that is close to your heart, or the projects of a specific researcher.

For the moment, we have chosen to present the following projects in particular:

  • The Frisbee project: To be continued, the project needs 120,000 euros per year.
  • Housing microbiology and evolution of atopic risk in children
  • Alcohol dependency

Partnerships: call for companies

As a company, you can choose to help us, either on a regular and general basis or by supporting a specific project. By donating part of your profits, your company improves its image and its goodwill with the public while contributing to the progress of scientific research… To discuss the possibilities that fit in with your objectives, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Fundraise for us

Raise funds for the Brugmann Foundation and help us to promote medical scientific research. There are hundreds of ways to raise funds for us. You can help through activities organised by your university, through cultural or sporting events, or through activities by your own initiative with friends or colleagues at work. If you or your organisation are willing to raise funds on behalf of the Brugmann Foundation, please contact us and, we will do our best to help you.